
MRT Research Group - Neuroimaging, MR volumetry and advanced imaging methods

The MRT research group of the University Clinic for Neuroradiology of the OVGU Magdeburg deals with:

  1. New applications of ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI in basic research (sleep deprivation) and clinical practice (epilepsy);
  2. Modern procedures for automated whole-brain volumetry and lesion detection, particularly in dementia, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy, as well as other investigations into the structure of the human brain (MR volumetry and MR morphometry);
  3. Blood flow measurements with and without contrast medium (contrast medium-supported DSC / DCE perfusion and arterial spin labeling perfusion) for epilepsy, dementia, and brain tumors;
  4. Methods for differentiating brain tumors at initial diagnosis;
  5. Further, “Advanced Imaging Methods” to differentiate between tumor progression and pseudoprogression in the context of radiation chemotherapy for brain tumors (TRAMS, Wash-Out).
  6. Quantitative imaging.


The standardized performance of MR examinations in conjunction with automated, partially complex post-processing of MRT image data can lead to new information and improved comparability.

In interdisciplinary collaboration with neurology and neurosurgery, the MRT research group is conducting multiple studies on the extended use of new MRT sequences, post-processing algorithms and programs for determining individual brain volumes, such as FreeSurfer (Figure 1)Bestimmung von Volumina des Hippocampus und Thalamus mittels FreeSurfer 

Figure 1 - Determination of volumes of the hippocampus and thalamus using FreeSurfer. 

We are also conducting research on the expanded use of MR perfusion imaging and MR washout in the initial diagnosis and follow-up of brain tumors (Figure 2).

Advanced Imaging bei Erstdiagnose

Figure 2 - Advanced imaging at initial diagnosis (Left: T1-weighted section with contrast agent; center: DSC perfusion; right: rapid wash-out). Top: a brain tumor, middle: ZNS lymphoma, bottom: Metastasis. 






Khadhraoui E, Nickl-Jockschat T, Henkes H, Behme D, Müller SJ. Automated brain segmentation and volumetry in dementia diagnostics: a narrative review with emphasis on FreeSurfer. Front Aging Neurosci 2024;16.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Hansen N, Jamous A, Langer P, Wiltfang J, et al. Brainstem atrophy in dementia with Lewy bodies compared with progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson’s disease on MRI. BMC Neurol 2023;23:114.
Khadhraoui E, Müller SJ, Hansen N, Riedel CH, Langer P, Timäeus C, et al. Manual and automated analysis of atrophy patterns in dementia with Lewy bodies on MRI. BMC Neurol 2022;22:114.
Kukhlenko O, Kukhlenko R, Tempelmann C, Speck O, Hinrichs H, Heinze H-J, et al. Study protocol: value of 7-T MRI with prospective motion correction and postprocessing for patients with nonlesional epilepsy. Clin Epileptol 2023;36:320–326.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Henkes H, Ernst M, Rohde V, Schatlo B, et al. Differentiation between multifocal CNS lymphoma and glioblastoma based on MRI criteria. Discov Onc 2024;15:397.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Neef NE, Riedel CH, Ernst M. Differentiation of brain metastases from small and non-small lung cancers using apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps. BMC Med Imaging 2021;21:70.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Ernst M, Rohde V, Schatlo B, Malinova V. Differentiation of multiple brain metastases and glioblastoma with multiple foci using MRI criteria. BMC Med Imaging 2024;24:3.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Ganslandt O, Henkes H, Gihr GA. MRI Treatment Response Assessment Maps (TRAMs) for differentiating recurrent glioblastoma from radiation necrosis. J Neurooncol 2024;166:513–521.
Khadhraoui E, Schmidt L, Klebingat S, Schwab R, Hernández-Durán S, Gihr G, et al. Comparison of a new MR rapid wash-out map with MR perfusion in brain tumors. BMC Cancer 2024;24:1139.
Müller SJ, Khadhraoui E, Voit D, Riedel CH, Frahm J, Ernst M. First clinical application of a novel T1 mapping of the whole brain. Neuroradiol J 2022;35:684–691.

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